
It Can Get Easier To Believe

2 Corinthians 5:7: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

It is hard to believe things for which there is not much evidence. When I first received Jesus there was not much evidence that I was saved. So it was sometimes hard to believe that I was. I definitely had to walk by faith and not by sight.

Romans 8:16: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

For a time, the Holy Spirit*s witness was the only evidence I had that I was saved. My spirit knew that I was saved but it took some time and more evidence to convince my mind. As I walked by faith Jesus continued making changes in me, my tastes, my desires, my personality and my character and the evidence mounted that I am saved. It has become easier for me to know that I was saved and for others to believe it. God has told us in the Bible that He wants saved ones to know that they are saved and HE has convinced me that I am saved. Has He convinced you that you are saved?

1 John 5:13: These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

In addition to the evidence of a changed personality, character and life, the more we read the Bible the more certain we will be that we are saved. If you are not saved, the more you read the Bible the more you will know you are not saved. If you reject the Bible, you will never know if you are saved or not, and in fact, you probably aren*t.

A few months after I received Jesus I was asked to preach in a nursing home. The Christian brother who asked me to do that was more certain that I was saved than I was. When I preached the gospel I sometimes prayed: Lord, if I am not saved, save me now so I can do this. One thing that helped my own assurance grow was when I shared the gospel with others, they received Christ and then I was permitted to see changes in THEIR LIVES.

Other things that make it hard for us to believe we are saved are the sins we commit. If we let the sins mount up there can be quite a pile of evidence against us. But that evidence does not prove that one who has genuinely received Jesus is not saved.

I will always be the biological son of my biological father. Likewise, I will always be the spiritual son of my Spiritual Father, God. Sometimes I pleased my biological father and sometimes I disobeyed him. Either way, I will always be his biological son. I sometimes please my Heavenly Father and sometimes I disobey Him. Either way, I will always be His spiritual son. Life with my biological father was happier when I obeyed him and pleased him. Likewise life with my Heavenly Father is happier when I obey Him and Please Him.

If you have received Jesus but lack assurance, get into your Bible and start walking by faith.

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